Friday, October 21, 2011

4 Weeks to Go!

Exactly 4 weeks to go until we can move into our house.  We're really psyched about it and can't wait.  There's still a fair amount of work to do, but its mostly detail work.  The granite countertops are getting cut this week and should be installed in the next week or two.  The oak wood floors are supposed to get sanded and stained over the next few days.  All the painting is done with the exception of the kitchen/family room.  Lights have to be installed, but we're dropping those off this weekend, so they should be put in next week.

I can't wait to get moved in and settled.  I'm sure it will take a while to get settled in there and to unpack items.  Initially, we'll just need to unpack the necessities (clothes, toiletries, cooking items, dishes...sewing machine).  The rest will slowly get unpacked as we get used to the house.

The other day I drove from work directly to the house and timed how long it would take.  I was at rush hour and behind some slow vehicles and it only took 20 minutes to get from work to the house.  That's less time than it takes to go from our rental to work!  Its pretty much a straight shot, so it should be an easy drive.

On the quilting/sewing front, I haven't been able to get much time to quilt.  I have the fabric cut and ready to be sewn into rows for the last two rows of the Labyrinth quilt, but I haven't had a chance to touch the fabric.  I was able to press and trim up some HST's on Wednesday morning, but that's about it.  I definitely need to get that finished up before the move as it will be easier to pack up a completed flimsy versus pieces of a top.  I also need to pin baste a quilt top before the move.  I'd like to pin baste it and then at least do the "in the ditch" quilting before the move, although that means I have to pretty much get it done in the next two weeks.  I'm thinking that I may have to commandeer Sunday as a quilting day. :-)

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