Thursday, June 16, 2011

House Update - 16June

I haven't posted in a while, but there's been quite a bit of progress on the lot.  In the past week or two, not only did they finish digging the hole for the foundation, but all the footings were poured and the forms for the walls were installed.

Here is a picture from 15JUN with the forms installed.

We think that they will pour the walls today and then within a few days they'll be able to start back-filling around the foundation.  We're pretty excited to see things start to come together.  We had a bunch of rain earlier this week and thought that we would have another delay, but the workers kept working through it and have made a ton of progress this week.

I'll have lots more pictures as framing starts and the actual house starts to take shape. :-)

1 comment:

Nicole said...

What a thrill to have this take place in front of your eyes!