Sunday, December 7, 2008

Quilting and Snow

Once again, Judy over at PatchworkTimes is holding a quiltathon this weekend. This is actually the first time that I'm able to participate. Yay! I was able to get a few things quilty done yesterday along with putting up our Christmas tree.

Here's a quilt I've been working on for the past few days. I have the blocks sewn into rows at this point, but just didn't have a picture of them, but I have this one when I had laid them all out into the pattern.

And look what I woke up to this morning! Its finally snowing here! We had a few cases of snow flakes in the air a few times over the past two weeks, but this is the first time that its actually staying. The grass is still visible, but at least its starting to look white. There's a few pictures of outside the front of the house (of course from the comfy warmth of being inside) and one from the backyard. Its finally starting to look like Christmas!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The pattern looks lovely.